Chiropractor Toowoomba
Dr Sean Eastwood’s method of treatment represents a convergence in the science, technologies and philosophies of Chiropractic, Kinesiology, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Emotional Physiology, and Neuro Anatomy. Spinal misalignment, headaches, back, neck and hip pain are all examples of interference to your nervous system.
Dr. Eastwood is a trained Chiropractor and uses only low force techniques. Originally an accountant and computer systems analyst, he is always a patient first which has strongly influenced the manner in which he practices. Dr. Eastwood is also a past board member of the ONE Research Foundation, an international research organisation based in California |
Dr. Eastwood’s style of treatment can be used as a stand-alone method of care or in conjunction with whatever more traditional form of manual therapy you may currently be using. You DO NOT need
a G.P. referral for an appointment with Dr. Eastwood.